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International Journal


  1. ICSD-NeRF: Independent Canonical Spaces for Enhanced Dynamic Scene Modeling in Neural Radiance Fields, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Submitted
  2. Robust cGAN Training with Selective Matching, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Submitted
  3. Direct anomaly segmentation with location information, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Submitted
  4. Instance Selection for Efficient Neural Architecture Search, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Submitted
  5. 3D Human Action Control in Latent Space of Transformer Variational Autoencoder, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Submitted
  6. Data Selective Matching for Stable Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Training, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Submitted
  7. A Unified Framework for Blind Super-Resolution via Clean Image Prior, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Submitted
  8. Stack-based Feature Guidance for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Submitted
  9. Key-to-3D: Learning Keyword Semantics for Compositional Text-to-3D Generation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Submitted


1. CMVDE: Consistent Multi-view Video Depth Estimation via Geometric-Temporal Coupling Apporach (View)

H.S. Son, M.J. Shin, M.J. Cho. J. Kim, K. Yun, S.-J Kang, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
ACK: IITP-2024-RS-2023-00260091, 2022-0-00022

2. Mixup-based Neural Network for Image Restoration and Structure Prediction from SEM Images (View)

J. Park, Y. Cho, Y. Hwang, A. Ma, Q.H. Kim, K. B. Chang, J. Jeong, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement
ACK: IO221227-04374-0, IITP-2023-RS-2023-002600

3. Deep Conditional HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping via Dual Encoder-Decoder Conditioning Method (View)

Y. Nam, J. Kim, J. Shim, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 26, pp. 8504-8515
ACK: 2021R1A2C1004208, IITP-2024-RS-2023-00260091, 2020M3H4A1A02084899

4. Image Clustering using Generated Text Centroids (View)

D. Kong, K. B. Kong, and S.-J. Kang, Signal Processing: Image Communication,vol 125, 117128
ACK: IITP-2024-RS-2023-00260091, 2021M3H2A1038042, IO201218-08232-01

5. Enhancing Stability in Training Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks via Selective Data Matching (View)

K. B. Kong, K. H. Kim, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 119647-119659
ACK: RS-2024-00414230, KSC-2023-CRE-0444, IITP-2024-RS- 2023-00260091


  1. Cross-aware Early Fusion with Stage-dived Vision and Language Transformer Encoders for Referring Image Segmentation (View)
Y. B. Cho*, H. W. Yu*, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.26, pp. 5823-5833
ACK: IO201218-08232-01IITP2023-RS-2023-00260091, 2021R1A2C1004208, 2020M3H4A1A02084899

2. MosaicMVS: Mosaic-based Omnidirectional Multi-view Stereo for Indoor Scenes (View)

M. J. Shin*, W. J. Park*, M.J. Cho*, K. B. Kong*, H. Son,  J. S. Kim, K. J. Yun,  G.S. Lee, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.26 pp.8279-8290
ACK: 2018-0-00207, 2021R1A2C1004208

3. Human Body-Aware Feature Extractor Using Attachable Feature Corrector for Human Pose Estimation (View)

G. Kim, H. Kim, K. B. Kong, J. W. Song, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.25, no. 18, pp. 5789-5799, 2023.
ACK: R2020040058, 2020M3C1B8081320, 2021M3H2A1038042

4. Classification Network-Guided Weighted K-means Clustering for Multi-Touch Detection (View)

J. Lee*, J. H. Yun*, J. H. Shim*, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.23, no. 18, pp. 21397-21407, Sept. 2023.
ACK: IITP-2023-RS-2023-00260091, 2021R1A2C1004208, 2021M3H2A1038042

5. Out-of-Focus Image Deblurring for Mobile Display Vision Inspection (View)

S.-J. Min, K. B. Kong, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.33, no. 9, pp. 5309-5317, 2023, Sept. 2023.
ACK: 2021M3H2A1038042, 2021R1I1A1A01051225, IITP-2023-RS-2023-00260091

6. Improving Gaze Tracking in Large Screens with Symmetric Gaze Angle Amplification and Optimization Technique (View)

J. K. Kim*, J. Park*, Y. K. Moon and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Access, vol.11, pp.85799-85811, June 2023.
ACK: 2021R1A2C1004208, R2020040058, 2021M3H2A1038042

7. Pseudo-label Vector-guided Parallel Attention Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction (View)

Y. I. Park, J.W. Song, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.19, no. 4, pp. 5602-5611, April. 2023.
ACK: 2021M3H2A1038042, IO201218-08232-01, 2021M3H2A1038042


  1. Image Demoireing Via U-Net for Detection of Display Defects (View)
J. H. Kim, K. B. Kong, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.68645-68654, June 2022.
ACK: 2020M3H4A1A02084899, 2021M3H2A1038042

2. Super-Resolving Methodology for Noisy Unpaired Datasets (View)

S.-J. Min, Y. S. Jo, and S.-J. Kang, Sensors, vol.22(20), no.8003, Oct. 2022. 
ACK: IO210819-08892-01, 2021M3H2A1038042

3. Distribution Density-Aware Compensation for High-Resolution Stretchable Display (View)

S. H. Jung, J. H. Kim, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.72470-72479, July 2022.
ACK: 2021M3H2A1038042

4. Heatmap Assisted Accuracy Score Evaluation Method for Machine-Centric Explainable Deep Neural Networks (View)

J. Lee, H. Cho, Y. J. Pyun, S.-J. Kang, and H. Nam, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.64832-64849, June. 2022.
ACK: 2019R1F1A1061114

5. Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using Improved Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (View)

J. H. Song, K. B. Kong, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.32, no. 9, pp. 6227-6239, Sept. 2022.
ACK: R2020040058, 22PQWO-C153369-04, 2020M3C1B8081320

6. TouchNAS: Efficient Touch Detection Model Design Methodology for Resource-Constrained Devices (View)

S. H. Ahn*, J. W. Chang*, H. S. Yoon, and S.-J. Kang, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.22, no. 7, pp. 6784-6792, Jan. 2022.
ACK: 2021R1A2C1004208, IITP-2021-2018-0-01421, 22PQWO-C153369-04

7. Camera Pose Estimation Framework for Array Structured Images (View)

M. J. Shin*, W. J. Park*, J. H. Kim*, J. S. Kim, K. J. Yun,  and S.-J. Kang, ETRI Journal, vol.44, no.1, pp.10-23, Feb. 2022.
ACK: 2018-0-0020, TP-2021-2018-0-01421, 2021R1A2C1004208

8. EAGNet: Elementwise Attentive Gating Network-Based Single Image De-raining with Rain Simplification (View)

N. Ahn, S.Y. Jo, and S.-J. Kang,  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.32, no.2, pp.608-620, Feb. 2022.
ACK: IITP-2021-2018-0-01421, 2021R1A2C1004208


  1. S.Y. Jo, S. Lee, N. Ahn, and S.-J. Kang, “Deep Arbitrary HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping with Controllable Exposure Changes,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.24, pp. 2713-2726, Jun. 2021. (View) (IF: 6.513)
  2. J. Park, J. Heo, and S.-J. Kang, “Feedback-based Object Detection for Multi-person Pose Estimation,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.99, 116508, Nov. 2021. (View). (IF: 3.256)
  3. S.I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,” Learning Methodologies to Generate Kernel-learning-based Image Downscaler for Arbitrary Scaling Factors,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.30, pp.4526-4539, Apr. 2021. (View) (IF: 10.856)
  4. S. Lee, S.Y. Jo, G.H. An, and S.-J. Kang, “Learning to Generate Multi-Exposure Stacks with Cycle Consistency for High-Dynamic-Range Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.23, pp. 2561-2574, Aug. 2021. (View) (IF: 6.513)
  5. J.H. Song, and S.-J. Kang, “3D Hand Pose Estimation via Graph-based Reasoning,” IEEE Access, vol.9, pp.35824-35833, Feb. 2021. (View) (IF: 3.367)
  6. S.I. Cho, J.H. Park, and S.-J. Kang, “Generative Adversarial Network-based Image Denoiser Controlling Heterogeneous Losses,” Sensors,  vol.21(4), no.1191, Feb. 2021. (View) (IF:3.576)


  1. S.-J. Lee, S. Lee, S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang, “Object Detection-based Video Retargeting with Spatial-Temporal Consistency,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.30, no.12, pp.4434-4439, Dec. 2020. (View) (Videos) (IF: 4.046(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents, 2020)
  2. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Extrapolation-Based Video Retargeting with Backward Warping Using an Image-to-Warping Vector Generation Network”,  IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.27, no.1, pp.446-450, Dec. 2020. (View) (IF: 3.268)
  3. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,” Temporal Incoherence-free Video Retargeting Using Foreground Aware-extrapolation,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.29, no.1, pp.4848-4861, Dec. 2020. (View) (IF: 6.79)
  4. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,” Dictionary-based Interpolation Technique for Text Quality Enhancement,” Journal of Information Display, pp.1-7, Nov. 2020. (View) (IF: 3.70)
  5. S. Lee, G. H. An, J. Kim, K. Yun, W. S. Jung, and S.-J. Kang, “Tri-Level Optimization-based Image Rectification for Polydioptric Cameras,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.87, 115884, Sep. 2020. (View) (IF: 2.779)
  6. Y. Yun, S.-J. Lee, and S.-J. Kang, “Motion Recognition-based Robot Arm Control System Using Head Mounted Display,” IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.15017-15026, Jan. 2020. (View) (IF: 4.098)
  7. J. W. Chang, K. W. Kang, and S. J Kang, “An Energy-Efficient FPGA-based Deconvolutional Neural Networks Accelerator for Single Image Super-Resolution,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.30, no. 1, pp.281-295, Jan. 2020. (View) (IF: 4.046(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents, 2020)


  1. Y. Lee, N. Ahn, J. H. Heo, S. Y. Jo, and S.-J. Kang,”Teaching Where to See: Knowledge Distillation-based Attentive Information Transfer in Vehicle Maker Classification,” IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.86412-86420, Jul. 2019. (View) (IF: 4.098)
  2. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Power Control Technique Using Error Distribution Analysis for Ultrasound Imaging Displays,” Electronics, vol. 8(5), no.471, April. 2019. (View) (IF: 1.764)
  3. N. Ahn, S. Y. Jo, and S.-J. Kang,”Constraint-Aware Electric Power Consumption Estimation for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement,” Energies, vol.12(6), no.1000, pp.1-13, Mar. 2019. (View), (IF: 2.707)
  4. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Histogram Shape-based Scene-change Detection Algorithm,” IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.27662-27667, Feb. 2019. (View) (IF: 4.098)
  5. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Gradient Prior-aided CNN Denoiser with Separable Convolution-based Optimization of Feature Dimension,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.21, no.2, pp.484-493, Feb. 2019. (View) (IF: 5.452)


  1. H. S. Lee, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim,”Scrolling text detection based on region characteristic analysis for frame rate up-conversion,” Displays, vol.55, pp.19-30, Dec. 2018. (View) (IF: 1.526)
  2. G. H. An, S. Lee, M. W. Seo, K. Yun, W. S. Cheong, and S.-J. Kang, “Charuco Board-based Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Method,” Electronics, vol. 7(12), no.421, Dec. 2018. (View) (IF: 2.110)
  3. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Real-time People Counting System for Customer Movement Analysis,” IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.55264-55272, Oct. 2018. (View) (IF: 3.557)
  4. J. W. Chang and S.-J. Kang,”Real-time Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Forward Vehicle Collision Warning,” Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science (JSTS), vol.18, no.5, Oct. 2018. (View) (IF: 0.515)
  5. S. Lee, G. H. An, and S.-J. Kang, “Deep Chain HDRI: Reconstructing a High Dynamic Range Image from a Single Low Dynamic Range Image,” IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.49913-49924, Sep. 2018. (View) (IF: 3.557)
  6. S. W. Choi, S. Y. Lee, M. W. Seo, and S.-J. Kang, “Time Sequential Motion-to-Photon Latency Measurement System for Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays,” Electronics, vol.7(9), no.171, Sep. 2018. (View) (IF: 2.110)
  7. S. I. Cho and S.-J. Kang,”Geodesic Path-Based Diffusion Acceleration for Image Denoising,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.20, no.7, pp.1738-1750, Jul. 2018. (View) (IF: 3.509)
  8. G. H. An, Y. D. Ahn, S. Y. Lee, and S.-J. Kang, “Perceptual Brightness-based Inverse Tone Mapping for High Dynamic Range Imaging,” Displays, vol.54, pp.1-8, Sep. 2018. (View) (IF: 1.175)


  1. Y. D. Ahn, S. Bae, and S.-J. Kang,”Power Controllable LED System with Increased Energy Efficiency Using Multi-Sensors for Plant Cultivation,” Energies, vol.10(10), no.1607, pp.1-13, Oct. 2017. (View), (IF: 2.262)
  2. Y. D. Ahn and S.-J. Kang, “Backlight Dimming based on Saliency Map acquired by Visual Attention Analysis,” Displays, vol.50, pp.70-77, Dec. 2017. (View) (IF: 1.526)
  3. S. P. Cheon and S.-J. Kang,”An Electric Power Consumption Analysis System for the Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations,” Energies, vol.10(10), no.1534, pp.1-13, Oct. 2017. (View), (IF: 2.262)
  4. H. Cho, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim,”Image Segmentation using Linked Mean-Shift Vectors and Global/Local Attributes,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol.27, no.10, pp.2132-2140, Oct. 2017. (View) (IF: 3.599)
  5. G. Bae, S. I. Cho, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim,”Dual-dissimilarity measure-based statistical video cut detection,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, pp.1-11, Jun. 2017. (View), (IF: 2.010)
  6. M. W. Seo, S. W. Choi, S. L. Lee, E. Y. Oh, J. S. Baek, and S.-J. Kang, “Photosensor-based Latency Measurement System for Head-Mounted Displays,” Sensors, vol.17(5), no.1112, May. 2017. (View), (IF: 2.677)
  7. S.-J. Kang, “Multi-user Identification-based Eye-tracking Algorithm Using Position Estimation,” Sensors, vol.17(1), no.41, Dec. 2017. (View) (IF: 2.033)


  1. Y. D. Ahn and S.-J. Kang, “Overlapped Area Removal-based Image Interpolation for Head-Mounted Displays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.12, pp.1770-1776, Dec. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.925(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents, 2017)
  2. J. Hyun and S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim “Configurable Controller for High-Resolution LED Display Systems,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.12, pp.1594-1601, Dec. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.925)
  3. M. S. Patil, J. H. Seo, S.-J. Kang and M. Y. Lee, “Review on Synthesis, Thermo-Physical Property, and Heat Transfer Mechanism of Nanofluids,” Energies, vol.9(10), no.840, Oct. 2016. (View) (IF: 2.077)
  4. S.-J. Kang, “OLED Power Control Algorithm Using Optimal Mapping Curve Determination,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.11, pp.1278-1282, Nov. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.925)
  5. C. Y. Jang, S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim,”Perceived Distortion–Based Progressive LCD Backlight Dimming Method,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.10, pp.1130-1138, Oct. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.925)
  6. S. Kim, S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim,”Anisotropic Diffusion Noise Filtering Using Region Adaptive Smoothing Strength,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.40, pp.384-391, Oct. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.530)
  7. C. Y. Jang, S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim,”Non-iterative Power-constrained Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for OLED Display,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.11 pp.1257-1267, Nov. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.925(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents, 2016)
  8. C. Y. Jang, S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim,”Adaptive contrast enhancement using edge-based lighting condition estimation,” Digital Signal Processing, vol.58, pp.1-9, Nov. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.256)
  9. S. W. Choi, S. Bae, and S.-J. Kang, “Adaptive Temperature Control System for LED Array Systems,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol.11, no.5, pp.1147-1152, Sep. 2016. (View) (IF: 0.528)
  10. S.-J. Kang, “Perceptual Quality-aware Power Reduction Technique for Organic Light Emitting Diodes,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.12, no.6, pp.519-525, Jun. 2016. (View) (IF: 2.241) (The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents, 2016)
  11. S. Kim, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim,”Real-time stereo matching using extended binary weighted aggregation,” Digital Signal Processing, vol.53, pp.51-61, Jun. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.256)
  12. S. I. Cho, S.-J. Kang and S. Lee, Y. H. Kim, “Extended-dimensional anisotropic diffusion using diffusion paths on inter-color planes for noise reduction,” Digital Signal Processing, vol.48, pp.27-39, Jan. 2016. (View) (IF: 1.256)
  13. S.-J. Kang and M. Y. Lee, “Multi-Directional Subpixel Rendering Technique for Ultrasound Imaging Display,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol.11, no.1, pp.79-86, Feb. 2016. (View) (IF: 0.385)


  1. Y. D. Ahn, S. Bae, J. J. Yun and M. Y. Lee, and S.-J. Kang, “Distance Recognition-based Intelligent LED control system,” Int. Jour. of Applied Eng. Research, vol. 10, no. 13, 2015. (View)
  2. S.-J. Kang and S. Bae, “Fast Segmentation-Based Backlight Dimming,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.11, no.5, pp.399-402, May. 2015. (View) (IF: 2.241)
  3. S.-J. Kang, S. Bae, J. J. Yun and M. Y. Lee, “Color Distortion-aware Error Control for Backlight Dimming,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.11, no.1, pp.79-85, Jan. 2015. (View) (IF: 2.241)
  4. S.-J. Kang, “Image-Quality-Based Power Control Technique for Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.11, no.1, pp.104-109, Jan. 2015. (View) (IF: 2.241)


  1. H. Cho, S.-J. Kang, S. I. Cho, and Y. H. Kim,”Image Segmentation Using Linked Mean-Shift Vectors and Its Implementation on GPU,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec., vol.60, no.4, pp.719-727, Nov. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.157)
  2. S. C. Kim, J. H. Seo, D. Y. Lee, D. P. Hong, S.-J. Kang and M. Y. Lee, “Thermodynamic Behaviors of Magnetic-Fluid in a Thin Channel with Magnetic Field and Aspect Ratio,” Inter. Jour. Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1377-1382, Jul. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.500)
  3. D. G. Yu, S.-J. Kang, H. S. Kim, and Y. H. Kim, “Viewing Distance-Aware Backlight Dimming of Liquid Crystal Displays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech.,  vol.10, no.10, pp.867-874, Oct. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.686(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents)
  4. S. I. Cho, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim, “Human Perception based Image Segmentation Using Optimizing of Color Quantization,” IET Image Processing, vol. 8, no. 12, pp.761-770, Dec. 2014. (View) (IF: 0.676)
  5. S. I. Cho, S.-J. Kang, H. S. Kim, and Y. H. Kim, “Dictionary-based anisotropic diffusion for noise reduction,” Pattern Recognition Letter, vol. 46, pp.36-45,Sep. 2014.  (View) (IF: 1.062)
  6. S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim,”Segmentation-based Clipped Error Control Algorithm for Global Backlight Dimming,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.10, no.7, pp.568-573, Jul. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.686)
  7. S.-J. Kang, “HSI-based Color Error-Aware Subpixel Rendering Technique,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.10, no.4, pp.251-254, Apr. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.686)
  8. S.-J. Kang, “SSIM Preservation-based Backlight Dimming,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.10, no.4, pp.247-250, Apr. 2014. (View) (IF: 1.686(The top 25 most frequently downloaded documents)
  9. S.-J. Kang, “Adaptive Weight Allocation-based Subpixel Rendering Algorithm,”IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol.24, no.2, pp.224-229, Feb. 2014. (View) (IF: 2.259)


  1. D. G. Yu, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim, “Direction-Select Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech.,  vol.9, no.10, pp.840-850, Oct. 2013. (View) (IF: 1.663(The top 50 most frequently downloaded documents)
  2. S.-J. Kang, “Processor-based Backlight Dimming Using Computation Reduction Technique,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.9, no.10, pp.819-824, Oct. 2013. (View) (IF: 1.663)
  3. S.-J. Kang, “Color Difference-based Subpixel Rendering for Matrix Displays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.9, no.8, pp.632-637, Aug. 2013. (View) (IF: 1.663) (The top 25 most frequently downloaded documents)
  4. S.-J. Kang, “Adaptive Luminance Coding-based Scene-change Detection for Frame Rate Up-conversion,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec., vol.59, no.2, pp.370-375, May. 2013. (View)  (IF: 0.941)
  5. S. I. Cho, S.-J. Kang, and Y. H. Kim, “Image Quality-Aware Backlight Dimming with Color and Detail Enhancement Techniques,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.9, no.2, pp.112-121, Feb. 2013. (View) (IF: 1.663) (The top 25 most frequently downloaded documents)

~ 2012

  1. S.-J. Kang, S. I. Cho, S. Yoo, and Y. H. Kim, “Scene Change Detection Using Multiple Histograms for Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.8, no.3, pp.121-126, Mar. 2012. (View) (IF: 2.280)
  2. S.-J. Kang and Y. H. Kim, “Multi-histogram-based Backlight Dimming for Low Power Liquid Crystal Displays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Tech., vol.7, no.10, pp.544-549, Oct. 2011. (View) (IF: 2.280)
  3. S.-J. Kang, S. Yoo, and Y. H. Kim, “Dual Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol.20, no.12, pp.1909-1914, Dec. 2010. (View) (IF: 1.649)
  4. S.-J.Kang, and Y. H. Kim, “Image Integrity-based Gray-Level Error Control for Low Power Liquid Crystal Displays,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec., vol.55, no.4, pp.2401-2406, Nov. 2009. (View) (IF: 0.941)
  5. S.-J. Kang, D. G. Yu, S. K. Lee, and Y. H. Kim, “Multiframe-based Bilateral Motion Estimation with Emphasis on Stationary Caption Processing for Frame Rate Up-Conversion,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec., vol.54, no.4, pp.1830-1838, Nov. 2008. (View) (IF: 0.941)
  6. S.-J. Kang, K. R.Cho, and Y. H. Kim, “Motion compensated frame rate up-conversion using extended bilateral motion estimation,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec., vol.53, no.4, pp.1758-1767, Nov. 2007. (View) (IF: 0.941)