콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Kyeong Bo Kong

  • Alumni
  • email: kkb4723@postech.ac.kr

Research Interests

  • Learning with Noisy Label
  • Multi-task Learning
  • Image Classification/Enhancement
  • EEG Signal Classification


Sogang University. 2020.9 ~2021.8

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Department of Electrical Engineering. (Advisor: Dr. Suk-ju Kang)


Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). 2017.3 ~ 2020.8

Ph.D. in Department of Electrical Engineering. (Advisor: Dr. Woo-Jin Song)

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). 2015.3 ~ 2017.2

Master’s in Department of Electrical Engineering. (Advisor: Dr. Woo-Jin Song)

Sogang University. 2009.3 ~ 2015.2

B.Sc in Department of Electrical Engineering.

Next Career

Assistant Professor at Pukyong National University