콘텐츠로 건너뛰기


Mi Ae Park

  • Assistant

  • email: everglow@sogang.ac.kr


  • VDS 연구실 행정 업무 담당
  • 교비/연구비/사업비 예산 집행 및 관리
  • 연구실 사무 총괄

Ji Min Roh

  • MS

  • email:shwlals96@gmail.com

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • 3D Reconstruction


Sogang University. 2024.3 ~

Master’s course in Department of Artificial Intelligence.

Kookmin University. 2017.3 ~ 2023.8

B.Sc in Department of Computer Science.…

Min Suh Song

  • MS

  • email:thdalstj@gmail.com

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • Hand Pose Estimation


Sogang University. 2024.3 ~

Master’s course in Department of Artificial Intelligence.

Sogang University. 2018.3 ~ 2024.2

B.Sc in Department of Computer Science and Engineering.…

Yeong Jae Im

  • MS

  • email:yeongjae0121@gmail.com

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
  • Super Resolution
  • Image Processing


Sogang University. 2024.3 ~

Master’s course in Department of Electronic Engineering.

Ajou University. 2020.3 ~ 2024.2

B.Sc in Department of Digital Media & Software and Computer Engineering (double major).…